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The Linde Group is a world leading industrial gas and engineering company with more than 53,000 employees working in about 70 countries on all continents. After the acquisition of The BOC Group we achieve gas and engineering related sales of approximately €12bn. Our strategy, which is geared towards earnings-based growth, focuses on the expansion of our international business with forward-looking products and services.
Linde Gas
Linde Gas is one of the leading suppliers of industrial gases in the world. We are also focusing on expanding our fast-growing business with medical and therapeutic gases. Moreover, we are a world leader in the development of the environmentally-friendly hydrogen technology.
Linde Engineering
Linde Engineering is focused on promising market segments such as hydrogen, oxygen and olefin plants and natural gas processing plants.
BOC Gases
A global industrial gases provider, BOC supplies compressed and bulk gases, chemicals and equipment.
BOC Edwards
BOC Edwards provides gases, vacuum and specialist equipment for the global microelectronics industry and is world-renowned for its vacuum pumps.
Gist is a leading provider of logistics and supply chain solutions.
South Africa-based African Oxygen Ltd(Afrox) is a leading provider of gases and welding products.




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