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公司简介 产品介绍 企业招聘 企业动态


    Danyangcity Fanglan Filling Equipment For Gases Co.,Ltd.was originally one of supervision the manufacture factories of Check and Measure Center on Boiler Pressure Container belonging to Labor Department. It professionally produce high pressure metal hose, valve and charging desk, junction station, steel bottle detecting equipment, and has passed quality system authentication and authentication of 28 countries alliance.
    All the technical parameters of the gas charging equipment and gas bottle detecting equipment produced by our company achieve or exceed ISO-3949/JISB8362 Standard, after detected by Check and Measure Center on Boiler Pressure Container belonging to Labor Department, and we also draw up the Q/93-GR-1 enterprise standard. After detected by American Puleiks Company, all technical index reach the standard, and pass the ISO-825.001 and 825.002 authentication of this company. Our company abide by National Standard GB5842-1996 <liquefied petroleum gas steel bottle>, GB8334-1999< periodical detect and assess of liquefied petroleum gas steel bottle> and GB13004-91< periodical detect and assess of seamless gas steel bottle>, when produce series of check and measure equipment of steel bottle, and is accepted by customers.
    high pressure metal hose, valve and charging desk, junction station are adapt to charge oxygen, argon, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, and widely used in refrigeration, hydraulic pressure, spaceflight and chemistry industry.
    Our company construct refrigeration management system strictly according to ISO-9002 Standard, pay attention to enterprise management and refrigeration control system to ensure product quality. The product is sold to more than 3,000 customers at home and oversea, and cooperate with American Puleiks, German Meisaier, English BOC and French Yekong, gain good commend of all customers.
    Our company locates flourish Yangtze River Delta, so the registration trademark of product is "F triangle", please recognize it to against counterfeit. Our factory has abundant technical strength, exquisite technology, the general manager Mr. Pan Fang-lai lead all employees to warmheartedly welcome all experts, friends to be a guest and give us instruction, and express our thanks to all customers.






电话: 0511-6862633 6868866
传真: 0511-6863888
联系人: 潘方来
地址: 丹阳市延陵镇振兴动路1号

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